Monday, September 24, 2012

applause for a sunday

The Only Way to Respond to Life
Post written by Leo Babauta.
I went for a run along the beach at sunset yesterday, foam kissing my bare feet, smooth sand caressing my soles, and the sky exploding with color.
I paused for breath, mostly because the sky, and the Pacific, had borrowed my breath from me.
I stopped and applauded.
This is the only response that life deserves: overjoyed applause.
This morning, wherever you are, whatever life has given you, take a moment to really appreciate this gift, and applaud. I mean, actually applaud.
Then give back to life, something, anything, to show your gratitude for this miracle you’ve been given. Do anything: be kind to someone, create something, be gentle with your children, do something where your body feels full of life.
We often not only take life for granted, but complain about it. Life isn’t perfect, work is boring, people are too rude, drivers are idiots, no one gets me, I have too many things to do. But goodness, look around you! What a wonder life is! If only we would take the time to see it, to really appreciate it, and to applaud.
This moment is a ridiculously generous miracle. Give it up, folks, for life.

I love this website and the emails I get frequently from them. Always thoughtful reminders of the way you want to be.

Having said that, I am going to whine about being tired.

I am trying to sort things out in our house and get rid of stuff. I go in fits and starts. Boxes here and there. Sometimes I get crazy and get rid of stuff I probably will wish I hadn't. Sometimes I keep crap around that should have gone years ago.

In the last month, we've had, between the two of us, about fifteen medical appointments. I want to go to all of them, but it makes my head spin.

I am done complaining now.

It's a beautiful fall day and I'm going to sip my coffee at my desk (newly reorganized) while I start my week's social media planning. Regis is at the dog park with Gus. Life is very good for us.

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