Wednesday, September 26, 2012

the week and a few photos

Sitting at my computer doing my social media thing which can be a gigantic time suck if I won't watch it. I could sit here for a long time, mesmerized by numbers, making comments and liking, checking it all out. I was in the shop for the first few hours of the day, chatting with customers. I love that part of my job.

A fellow came in who said he was from Southern California. I didn't get his name but the dog's name is Dewey. They're traveling together in a camper so I asked if he knew Travels with Charlie. He said the name of his blog is Travels with Dewey. Ha! Dewey waiting so patiently by the door while he visited with other customers and drank his tea.

I've been loving the summer fruit but I must say that peach was a big disappointment. By the time it smelled like a peach, it was rotten in the middle. Nice. The pears were great.

Regis and I are doing a programmer for the day spot on KMSU tomorrow morning. We're doing our favorites, Bob Dylan and Neil Young. I'm the Bob fan so I'm responsible for that portion of the show. I had to order a couple more CDs because the songs I wanted weren't on the CDs I had. You might know.

We're almost to the end of our CSA for the summer. I love some parts of it but the kale and the eggplant can get burdensome and it's just too much produce for two people. Next year we are going to be farmer's market customers.

So, here I sit. I should get up and do dishes and think about something for dinner but what I feel like doing is reading for a bit and taking a nap. It's been a rough day at work...drinking latte and chatting with nice people.

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