Wednesday, November 07, 2012

this one is not about the C word

I'm feeling much stronger and more peaceful this morning. I slept well, took Gus outside at 4:30 and I think the sun is going to shine today. All good signs!

Regis and I went out for dinner last night, seeking comfort food. He had a pot roast commercial and I had ribs. The pile of ribs was like a meat tornado. We'll be eating those for the next three days. We came home early, watched some Arrested Development, and went to bed. No election returns for us.

I was almost too nervous about the outcome to attend to it. I avoided the articles in the paper and I refused to think about the possibilities. Regis woke me in the middle of the night to tell me Obama had been re-elected so we don't have to move to Poland. Ha!

I'm on my way to River Rock to work which means I take photos, gab with people, and enjoy a latte while I stroll around. A good job, eh?


Anonymous said...

My dearest daughter. I did not know you had joined the navy; or do you just cuss like a sailor these days?
I have been ready to use the F Bomb myself after all the ugly things that have been happening to our family. I told your brother there has been a black cloud hanging over us, but he reminded me after the storm there is sunshine. I will say a prayer for you tomorrow. Love you. Mom

Anonymous said...

My comment disappeared. I loved the card, Teresa. I feel like the old lady on the right sticking her tongue out at the world. There is always going to be a better day with sunshine. Much love. Mom

Jill said...

Your mom is great--suggesting that your cussing could be because you recently enlisted in the armed forces. She knows how to help lighten the dark clouds.

observations from my first day of school

 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...