Wednesday, March 27, 2013

it looks like spring!

Regis took this photo of the moon this morning, setting over the neighbor's house. How did I miss this? I'm always up prowling around in the night.

Even if the temperature is barely 40 degrees, it looks like spring outside! In the past thirty minutes, I saw one kid go by in a t-shirt and another go by on roller skates. That's optimism.

My friends from Omaha sent this beautiful spring bouquet today. Nothing makes me eager to answer the phone quite like seeing that it's Mary's Flowers. Tomorrow, I may go down and stand in Mary's flower cooler for a while, just inhaling the sweet smell of flowers.

I don't leave the house very often these days but today I stepped outside to take a picture of the barbecue grill. Regis and I have pledged that as soon as the snow is gone, we're going to fire that baby up and grill some steaks. We have a ways to go...but not long.

This is the view of the other end of the patio. When this snow melts, the swing is coming out and we're cooking marshmallows over a fire in the chimnea. This is the picture (below) we took on December 26, 2011...what a different winter that was. Gus and I both had more hair then.

We went to the winery yesterday and what a time we had. Melissa, Erica, and Angie were working and it was fun to visit with them. Our old friend, Connie, from school was there with a friend. Regis should have had the camera when Connie and I turned and saw each other. The wine was cold, the pizza was delicious. Made for a nice early spring afternoon.

Regis is off doing AARP taxes today but will be home soon. Maybe I can talk him into steak grilling tonight.

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