Saturday, March 30, 2013

sleepless in st. peter again

I've been getting much better sleep at night lately but you might know, the night before my big day of Easter preparation, I'm awake until 3 and awake again at 5. I'm blaming the steroid I get as part of my chemo I'm glad Peter is coming to help...he can do the thinking!

I've had a couple of very nice days. Thursday, Regis and Gus took me to Kohl's so I could poke around the spring stuff. I always like to get some new spring hand towels. I found some great flowery leggings and an Easter tablecloth. I can't remember the last time I was shopping so it was fun.

We met Bob and Emily and the kids for dinner at Patrick's. They had Easter presents for us...a tulip that opens up and a package of Reese's bunnies. Good time!

Yesterday, I had my 9th taxol treatment, leaving me with 3 to go. I can see the end! My blood counts were good and had actually improved since last time. Judy says I am a rock star. We stopped for lunch at the Tav on the Ave to celebrate.

I'll see the radiation oncologist in the coming weeks to plot out that campaign.

I took a nap in the afternoon, then took the spring clothes to the basement. A good job done.

Yesterday was the 15th anniversary of the devastating tornado that struck St. Peter. Fifteen years almost makes it history rather than a current event. Those of us who lived here that day will never forget it.

Peter is coming over this afternoon to help with the Easter preparation. Our back porch tends to collect junk all winter and I want to get that crap out of there so the kids can play. We're having about 15 people and that's a tight squeeze for our little house. We need every bit of room!

Our snow is disappearing fast. I've spent twenty minutes looking for a picture of my spring flag when I could just get out of my chair, walk outside, and take another one. Pathetic.

Happy Easter everyone!

1 comment:

Caroline said...

Three weeks to go! See the end is finally near. I remember when the tornado hit. Judie told me about it and I had just been to visit a few months before. I can't believe its been 15 years.

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 1. Much less chaos than I expected. But now I remember that the last time I was in that school it was 7-12 and now it's Middle School s...