Monday, February 17, 2014

an ever-deepening spiral

I have been enjoying the Facebook posts and blogs of some inspirational folks lately. Oriah Mountain Dreamer (great story about her name on her blog.), Leo Babatua, Toni Bernhard. I print their articles, read them, highlight and make notes on them and save them in a binder.
This is of course a process, and like most things in human beings it does not happen in a once-and-for-all straight line, but in more of an ever-deepening spiral. But gradually we can dissolve much of the need for habits of distraction and dissociation so we can feel and live the joy in our lives more fully. []
Binders like the ones I kept for my college degrees and licenses and all that folderol. I am a binder organizer. Always have been. Recipes in binders, articles in binders, weight loss and exercise records in binders. This one is my favorite, though. It's where I tuck all my spiritual readings. Poems, articles, even some pictures.

I love this quote about how our "process" does not happen in a once-and-for-all straight line...which is sort of what you expect as you grow up...that you get to a point where you are done, like a loaf of bread. Ain't necessarily so, my friends. At least not for me. To think about it as an ever deepening spiral is a thrill and a comfort. I told Mary it feels like I trudge to the top of one hill to find an open door, only to find there is more beyond.

There is nothing on my agenda today that I absolutely have to do. There are a couple things I would do if the weather were more cooperative but when I stuck my head out as I let Gus in the yard, the snow was icy and blowing and very cold. Who needs that? I have a good book, my favorite tea, some things to cook, and a cozy fire.

I have a busy week planned but Sunday I decided it was too much so I started crossing things off the list. I just need some time to sit and be.

This morning I am writing for mental exercise so you can quit reading now if you're looking for excitement. I've been playing Scrabble against the computer which is a hoot. I started at the beginner level and now have moved on to the intermediate level. I can win consistently (with the use of play best word four times) but don't think I'm ready for advanced. That looks like a different language.

Regis and I are going to register for a National Weather Service Sky Warn class. He has always loved weather and I thought he would enjoy this. I am curious but don't want to be out in the yard, and especially not away from home in threatening weather. I said I would go to the class if they had no expectations of me calling in a tornado sighting unless I could see it out the basement window.

The yard livestock has had a time of it this winter. So much snow and such cold temperatures that I don't know how they survive. We put corn and peanuts out for the squirrels the other day. They learned how to open the cage that contains the suet cakes so I had to use a zip tie to close it. Little buggers are smart. Or maybe just very motivated by food.

I had a frozen pizza last night. I have no idea why I was hungry for's in a food class by itself. Not really pizza but interesting. Regis bought it at the grocery store for a dollar. At that price, I figured if I ate half and threw the rest away, it wouldn't be a big loss. How can they make a pizza and sell it for a dollar? I don't even want to think about that. The last pizza I had before this was at Chankaska and it had Italian sausage and banana peppers. Oh, my. Lick your fingers good.

I may have written about this bird before but I couldn't find it in October's or November's posts. Deb and I were walking one windy day in late October (I think) and we came upon a bird that had been squashed beyond recognition by a car. Some of the feathers had blown along the street and I grabbed a few because they were so unusual. I came home and searched my bird book and the internet. This is what I believe it is: Varied Thrush. 

It's a little bigger than a robin and nests in the northwestern US and along the coast to Alaska. Some of them travel to the Midwest in the winter, especially along major rivers. I sent an email to a fellow in Ely who follows birds and has seen some of these at his feeders. The feather is a brilliant orange/yellow with a bright orange shaft and black tip. Too bad the poor fellow traveled all this way only to be squashed by a car. The bird I mean, not the guy in Ely.

I had three feathers but Woodrow became obsessed with them and I was only able to save one which is hidden under my computer keyboard.

Well, off to a mostly lazy Monday. Regis is still sleeping which bodes well for my continued lethargy. If he were up prowling around and drinking coffee, it would be more likely that there would be an agenda of some import created. Not me. My mind is a blank slate today.

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