This is the chair I ordered from Nicaragua on Etsy. I know it's wild colors but I looked and looked and just couldn't bring myself to order it in a neutral color. I am going to hire a professional to hang it from the ceiling. It doesn't come with the pillows which is fine with me. It's a chair that hugs you.
We are dog sitting this puppy this weekend. Ava is a Fox Red Lab and she was born with a spinal deformity so she hops a little bit in her back legs. She is a doll and gets along famously with Woodrow and Gus. Woody likes to tease her by playing with her tail, boxing at her through the bars of her crate, and hiding under the couch.
Gus and Ava were wild for about the first 24 hours, then they settled down. Regis has taken them to the park every day and they run and play and chase balls. Then they curl up for a nap.
Mom sent these beautiful tulips the other day. They are truly the color of spring. I keep them in the kitchen so I can see them every time I walk through the room.
We had a full moon this week and Regis got this wonderful and mysterious photo through the clouds and tree branches. I love to look at the moon. I think I will start staying up later in the summer so I can watch the stars. Or maybe I will start looking for them when I get up early in the morning.
If you are a regular reader here, you know that I have been drawing runes. This is the final rune of the transformation series. Ironically, this rune is akin to the moon, the intuitive part of our nature. The completion of beginnings is what Inguz requires. It marks the time of joyous deliverance, a new life, a new path. I think I am done with tattoos but I did order this as a pendant for my talisman necklace.
Ava's in jail! I think actually, Woodrow is on the other side of the gate boxing at her. I love her furrowed brow. Amber and John are coming back today so it will be quiet at our house when she goes. We are not tempted to have another pet, however.
I went out the other day in my Guinness pajama pants and my red slippers to fill the bird feeder and take a picture of the garden rabbit. I thought it was quite the fashion look in the new snow.
Regis is out blowing snow again. Many people are complaining about the weather but I have refrained so far. If we are going to have winter and I assume we will because we continue to live here...I like this kind of winter. Blue skies, new snow every much better than those brown and gray winters. I'm not fond of 30 below temps but you take what you get.
I have spent a lazy afternoon. I was highly motivated this morning, then ran out of steam about one o'clock when I realized it would probably be snowing in the morning so I could finish my projects then. I made a quick pass through the paperwork, isolated the recipes and the medical notes, found the things that need to go on the calendar, and have a basket full of books. That's enough for one day.
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