Saturday, April 19, 2014

pre-holiday and mostly off the grid

I subbed a lot this week so had no access to the social media. I am behind...if the ordinary things I do everyday are of interest.

Today I am hustling to get ready for the Easter dinner tomorrow. I think I worked harder and enjoyed it less when I was working full time. I used to make everything from scratch. Now I buy frozen pie, I ask people to bring things, I have Regis prepare the meat, and I use paper plates and plastic forks.

Here are some pictures from the past week. Woodrow continues to relax well. It's his best talent. He is either on the dog bed on the floor or on the highest perch in his tree where he lounges with one leg and his tail hanging over the edge.

It does appear that we may get some spring-like weather soon. The forecast is for 60+ tomorrow but I am cautiously optimistic about that. We woke up Thursday to snow on the ground again. It didn't linger long but it's still disappointing.

It's the time of year when my neighbors only see me bent over peering into the garden. Yesterday I spotted this tiny poppy plant poking up through the leaves. Hardy little things they are.

I also spotted the chives around the bunny. This is so much better than being covered with three feet of snow. There are almost enough to use in the chipotle aioli .

The yard art is ready for placement but I have to see where the hostas emerge. I have a new colorful bird from Betty and a gorgeous windsock that I couldn't resist.

And this is my hammock chair. It's hanging from a giant contraption right now. We had to take out the spring and the swivel hook because my butt brushed the ground with them attached. This is better. The contraption will move to the patio today but the swing may have to wait a while.

Woodrow in his favorite spot. He likes to roll over for a belly scratch when you walk past him. He also like to chase a little white fur ball up and down and all around. He is quite entertaining.

I better get back to my preparations. I'm going to run the vacuum quickly and dust a little. Not my favorite tasks.

I hope some of my friends and family will consider walking the 8K (5 miles) Runstrong Superhero Race on May 17th. You don't have to run, in fact, many of us walk. We walk dogs, we walk with strollers, we walk and talk. It's great fun and a great fundraiser for the Livestrong program at the YMCA in Mankato.

Happy bunny day!

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