Monday, April 07, 2014

spring wind and shopping for dresses

Ella came over after school today and had an urgent need to shop. Somewhere in the midst of her busy day, she had developed the plan for shopping, worked on her Poppop on the way home, then came running in to ask me. For the past several years, we've gone shopping for Easter dresses in the spring. I was tired from a long walk in the sun and wind, but how could I say no? We had a fine time. She has a great sense of style and loves to combine colors. I love the socks.

My friend Deb and I have been on a walking mission lately, doing 4-5 miles a day, 29 miles in the last week. Yesterday was perfect, today the wind got to me. It's good to be active, though. I wish I could say it helps me sleep better but that is not the case. I was awake for about three hours in the middle of the night. I got my best sleep from 4-6 am. Holy hell.

Today I tackled a job I have been putting off for a long time. Regis likes to keep all his technology and paperwork right out on the top of his desk. I have resolved to keep a tidier desk and of course, I would like him to come along on that party. I offered to help him sort and organize and make a spot for a cup of coffee. His desktop is clean but we still have boxes to go through...but we're moving in the right direction.

I also spent some time getting organized for our trip to Mankato tomorrow. We have appointments at 11 and 1 so Gus is going to daycare, giving us time to buy groceries, go to the drug store, stop at the hobby store for the finishing touches on my superhero costume. I'd much rather be designing a superhero costume than cleaning out drawers...

Now I think I'll take my headache to bed. I can see a game of Scrabble in my future. Oh...forgot to report that I was playing Scrabble for two months using the British dictionary. It was an advantage because the list of allowable two-letter words is far longer than the American dictionary. I'm tempted to go back to the British one...sometimes in the middle of a game.

Off I go...

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