Yesterday, I took a trip down the Old Fort Road, across Nicollet County to Fairfax in Renville County. It goes through Klossner and St. George, both tiny and very rural towns. Klossner is a little dumpy but St. George looks like Lake Woebegone....every house freshly painted and it looks like they have decided to all mow their grass on Mondays. Every house has a Virgin Mary in the front yard and a pick-up in the driveway. I drove past two old cemeteries, one in St. George and one out in the middle of the corn fields.
I love rural much history, so many stories I will never know. The little grotto at the St. George cemetery was so sweet: screen door left unlocked, little benches in front of several statues, candles. Lovely. There was no way I could capture the grandeur of the landscape with my camera phone so I picked these details to remind me of how pleasant this drive is.
Here is one strange thing about my trip into southwest Minnesota. I finished reading, over the weekend, a book by John Sanford called Mad River.
John Sanford's books take place in Minnesota. This one in southwestern Minnesota. Three young people go on a rampage of murder and mayhem in Marshall, Redwood Falls, and other rural small towns and on the deserted highways that wind between the corn fields. Oh, brother. That's exactly where I was headed. Then on an empty stretch of rural highway between Klossner and St. George, I am passed by two Nicollet County sheriff vehicles traveling at high speeds. Remember, I am the person who was afraid to go in a swimming pool after seeing the movie Jaws. All is well, though. I made it home without incident.
I slept blissfully last night. I was in bed for 7 hours and asleep soundly for 6.5. I know this because my Jawbone UP 24 will track my sleep. I can look at a chart and see how much light sleep and sound sleep I had. It also tracks my steps. Regis thinks I cheat by running in little circles behind him when we go for walks.
This week, I have had lunch with Vickie, gone for a long walk with Deb on Sunday and Regis the following few days, I have a haircut appointment today, a breakfast date with Betty on Friday, and coffee with Betsy on Thursday afternoon. Elliot is coming to spend the night on Friday and we're having a pizza party for the little kids on Saturday.
My LiveStrong class ends Monday with a graduation party at Bill's lake cabin. I'll be sorry to see it end, but also glad to have my two mornings a week back for a while. On the calendar, for now, August looks like a quiet month. There is the Nicollet County fair and I have my oncology check-up and a trip to Mom's next week. Other than those things, it looks like a quiet month leading into fall.
Maybe not all my friends were able to see me on Dancing with the Stars with Donnie Osmond. Boy, did we cut a rug. Hahaha!!!
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