We went into Lowe's yesterday to peruse the Christmas trees. The lobby was filled with these gargantuan air-filled figures. I started to laugh, maniacally. Of course, I have seen these things in yards but that experience is different from being up close and personal... I would fit in one of Mickey's arms. It's a crazy world.
I have ventured carefully back into social media because I missed the recipes and the pictures. I have gotten quite proficient at hiding posts, seeing less from certain pages, unfollowing sites that promote fear and hate, and limiting my experience to things of a more positive nature. It's hard to live in a world where it is impossible to be sarcastic or cynical enough.
I am going to concentrate on gratitude for the rest of 2016. Here is my start:
Today, I am grateful to wake up in a warm house. To turn on the fireplace, to pet my cat lying in my lap. To sip my coffee and watch the birds come to the feeder.
Today, I am grateful for my sweet husband who fills my cup before he sits down. Regis, who takes our dog for a walk two times a day, no matter the weather. Regis, who always makes me laugh. Regis, who took me on an adventure yesterday to shop for a Christmas tree and out for lunch.
Today, I am grateful for my health. I have had health scares in the past but today I am grateful to be able to walk outside as much as I like, I am grateful to be able to work with Gunnar and train with weights to strengthen my back and legs, I am grateful to feel my muscles.
Today, I am grateful for sharing. I am grateful for baking cookies and having kids within walking distance who can come to take them to their families. I am grateful that I can buy lights for my daughter's Christmas tree. I am grateful to be planning outings with all my grandchildren for the holidays.
Even on gloomy days, sunshine comes pouring through and for that, I am grateful.