You'll have to go back and read the first posts from October of 2006 if you want to know how my blog got the ridiculous name Buns of Stone. I've decided to revive the blog and it's involved a fight with the corporate vultures at Google. I'm not sure anybody wants the whole story so let's just say for now that I have given up my custom domain name because who wants to pay a non-refundable broker's fee to find out IF Google wants to sell my custom domain name (which they stole) back to me for some unnamed amount of money. F that.
I'm going to be working on my blogger chops for a while so there may be randomly inserted photos, quotes, charts, and maps as I remember how to do things. Old dogs, new tricks.
When I started this blog, Facebook didn't exist so this was my only platform for over-sharing. Haha! I don't use Instagram, Tik Tok, Reels, Twitter or any of the other social media so it will just be figuring out what goes on Facebook and what goes here. This always felt more organic, more rambley, more like a notebook kind of thing. I like that
I have joined a ukulele band. Our first performance will be at the Mid-Life Pageant and Sing Along Nation performance on September 4th. It's been a hoot so far. At our first lesson/rehearsal, it was like magic...almost 20 ukuleles played by beginners or amateurs, plunking along to Obla Di Obla Da. It was priceless and so joyful.
It's still winter in Minnesota although it has technically been spring for almost a month. Today the temperature is 30, it feels like 15 degrees, and there is a wind advisory for winds 25-35 mph with gusts up to 50 mph. What the bloody hell. Everyone is so tired of it.
My neighbor's daffodils are blooming, though, which seems impossible in this wretched weather. I walked around my garden the other day and there are lots of tiny things struggling to grow. Little iris shoots growing up through the leaf letter, hollyhocks, vinca vines, and squill. My daffodils don't bloom this early because they don't have the benefit of a southern exposure. I planted 70 of them, though, so they should make a show when they finally arrive.
Moose is barking his head off at something going past...a dog, a person, or a bag blowing in the wind. For a small dog, he has a very loud bark.
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